Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Smiles, Laughs and Giggles

Katherine, when you smile, the world (and the people) around you light up. You have a very special gift to brighten people’s days in an instant with your gorgeous smile that stretches across your face and makes your beautiful blue eyes sparkle.

I have to admit, I’ll do anything to make you laugh… I’ll hug you, make funny noises and faces or give you a big kiss. Often you reward me by grinning widely from ear to ear (and if you throw in a giggle too… well, I can’t help myself but giggle with you). But some moments, I don’t need to do anything – you just look in my eyes and smile; those are moments full of love and connection and I they are etched into my heart forever.

You are teaching me that laughing more, sometimes over silly things, gets me to take myself – and the people around me – not so seriously. Life feels much lighter when I laugh and smile more; I feel happier, am less stressed and seem to cope much easier with the little curve balls life throws me. And you are teaching me that giving away a heartfelt smile to a partner, a friend or even a complete stranger, costs nothing more than a moment and often means everything.