Katherine, you are 2 months old today. Wow, time flies! This past week you have “accomplished” a major milestone – your first cold. Sniffling, sneezing, coughing and wheezing has been on the agenda over the past days and I am watching you cope with ease. Nothing keeps you from exploring the world around you. So what if you are not comfortable laying down (and have no words yet to communicate that)… you just frown and cry until I help you sit up comfortably – where you look at me with big eyes to let me know you are happy again. So what if you don’t have a big appetite… you just don’t finish your bottle, but “ask” for another one more often. So what if you sneeze on me… how can I be upset when you smile at me right afterwards - we share everything, right?
You are teaching me that no matter what life’s challenges are in any given day, happiness is not dependent on our circumstances. Happiness is dependent on our choices and actions. If something doesn’t work, find a different way. And on another note, you are teaching me that a hug and a snuggle can indeed make things better – always.